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As Guyana continues to develop, the demand for jobs will continue to increase. Already the more qualified young people have their pick of multiple job offers. But what of our young people who are not so fortunate?

The news is also good but we encourage everyone, all people of Guyana to use the vast network of ICT hubs built out by Minister Cathy Hughes’ Ministry of Public Telecommunications, to improve themselves.

If you struggle with reading, websites like can provide you with a personal, private space to learn the fundamentals of reading, even if you are an adult. Begin here.

If you struggle with Maths, websites like are a great resource. If you want to learn how to use Microsoft, or edit videos, or create websites, everything is online. Use youtube or google and find a good source and begin to improve yourself.

Let 2020 be the year of preparation, your opportunities are coming! There will be a huge demand for workers across all sectors but all young people must prepare themselves to take advantage of the opportunities.

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