Sanctions On Guyana Means Sanctions On ExxonMobil; Opens Door To China Unchallenged

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ExxonMobil and more than 20 powerful American multinational companies have already invested billions of dollars in Guyana. None of these investments have yet yielded the promised returns. The United States, like Canada and UK have a keen interest in future exploitations of investment opportunities in Guyana. While the word ‘sanctions’ is being thrown around as a scare tactic, the United States would be working against the interests of its very own companies if they were to engage in sanctions against Guyana.

It is also important to note that PPPC supporters dominate industry in Guyana. It is no secret. Sanctions against Guyana would cripple every single local industry and would impact directly the bottom line of ‘big money’ PPPC supporters, Jagdeo would never allow this to happen.

Additionally, the PPPC can rest assure that if sanctions were to target Guyana, then their supporters would have to deal with massive boycotts of their organisations and institutions by coalition supporters; Guyana’s biggest consumers. The idea is simply stupid.

China and Russia are already hovering and are a significant economic threat to the United States economic interests around the world. China and Russia would not [NEVER] join the United States in sanctions. China alone would fill the void left by the United States in Guyana, they’re already doing this in most of the Caribbean. The call for sanctions is silly.

Mercury LLC, having been paid millions of dollars to impact Guyana’s elections, is becoming increasingly desperate. They have attached themselves to the two key words they believe will move the people of Guyana; “Democracy & Sanctions”. Times have changed however and everyone is now able to communicate, to respond to share their view and Mercury’s impact, while powerful, will not go unchallenged.

Mercury LLC is a propaganda machine but the Guyanese people are onto them. They will not be allowed to reinvent the most racist, murderous, corrupt, inept government in the Caribbean; into a victim, under the guise of ‘democratic’ values to which, even the US president has never subscribed. Mercury LLC and the People’s Progressive Party will not endure. They will not be successful.

2 thoughts on “Sanctions On Guyana Means Sanctions On ExxonMobil; Opens Door To China Unchallenged

  1. Sanctions or no sanctions we Guyana shouldnt be allowed to return to the ppp way of governing for a long time to come, the wounds are still fresh

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