AfroGuyanese Must Struggle For Dignity & Economic Participation; Our Children Are Counting On Us

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After 23 years of racism and abuse by the People’s Progressive Party, African Guyanese find themselves in an alternate reality. The vast majority who I will call the small man, understand the hardship of living in oppression. It was their sons who were targeted for abuse and murder by the PPPC government. It was their mothers who were relegated to the roles of security guards, trench cleaners and sweetie vendors. It was their children who were relegated to the lowest quality, under-resourced schools.

AfroGuyanese do not receive bank loans to grow their business. They do not own significant property or assets which can be used as collateral. They do not own farms or any significant lands. They are now the minority in the judiciary, and where they exist, they operate in fear and compromise.

The structure for this unequal society was built under the reign of the People’s Progressive Party. They endorsed vindictiveness and hegemony and the few faux middle class (they have no wealth) African Guyanese who support them are suffering from an extreme case of self-hatred.

Make no mistake, the PPPC are determined to take power (by any means) and they are bolstered by the ABC and U who care about which government is more likely to allow them to once again colonise Guyana and extract her wealth.

The writing is on the wall. If Granger does not prevail, it is over for AfroGuyanese. We must therefore act like our lives depended on it and make the following changes;

  1. Limit spending where possible
  2. Spend with AfroGuyanese businesses as much as possible
  3. Boycott any of Roy Beepat’s businesses
  4. Boycott any of Gerry Gouveia’s businesses
  5. Start, own or grow your own business
  6. Grow your own food as much as possible
  7. Break every dependence you have on PPPC supporters, they will use it to support PPPC’s hegemony

The PPPC must not be allowed to cheat, defraud and bully their way into power. We must summon the courage and dignity of our ancestors who toiled the land for 200 years before the first indentured labourer landed on our shores. We must act now!

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