The Indecent & Public Embrace Of Bharrat Jagdeo Is A Consolidated Assault On Decent Guyanese

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by Keith Williams
African Guyanese are under assault by a coming together of forces that have traditionally and historically been averse to the descendants of the enslaved in the diaspora benefiting from the equitable distribution of the resources in the lands they inhabit. They have found a likely asset in the form of one who was described as an ideological racist and the most racist leader to emerge in the 21st century.

They have found a likely asset in the form of a leader who was President when the US Special Investigator Cassandra Jackson found that, “…Khan was ultimately able to control the cocaine industry in Guyana, in large part, because he was backed by a paramilitary squad that would murder, threaten, and intimidate others at Khan’s directive. Khan’s enforcers committed violent acts and murders on Khan’s orders that were directly in furtherance of Khan’s drug trafficking conspiracy….”. She told the court that “….At home in Guyana, Khan seemed to enjoy a charmed existence of immunity from arrest and prosecution.

His mistake, however, was to enter Suriname − a more law-abiding jurisdiction. There, his cocaine-constructed house of cards collapsed with his dramatic arrest in Paramaribo….”.

So tell me, what positive credibility can the leader of that described nation where Roger Khan led a “charmed existence”, have that has attracted the support of diplomatic representatives of former slave holding nations and nations in South America where the attitude towards people of African descent is summarized in poetry and musical lyrics with the hook, ¿Y Tu Abuela Donde Esta?

What positive credibility can any man who entered into a fake marriage as described by the other party, and who is alleged to have kicked her out of the boudoir after the symbolic ceremony engaged in for alleged politically purposes have?

And what perverse compulsion would galvanize any compos mentis person to choose someone under indictment for fraud, who allegedly produced questionable academic credentials, who as a Presidential Candidate is mostly MIA while the alleged ideological racist leads the assault on democracy in Guyana, over the staid, sober temperament, studious, transparently honest and grandfatherly David Granger as national leader?

Stop going by what these idiots are presenting about themselves. What you are seeing in Guyana is the coming together of forces who are inheritors of and practitioners of the social and cultural rule that “if yo white yo alrite, if yo brown stick around, but if yo black stay the hell back”. Stop giving them a f$#@$ pass.

Maya Angelou said that when people show you who they are believe them the first time. Just because they manage to procure the bootlicking and cooning services of some do not vitiate against the reality of what exist.

1 thought on “The Indecent & Public Embrace Of Bharrat Jagdeo Is A Consolidated Assault On Decent Guyanese

  1. Mr. Williams, please post articles on Barbados Underground, Trinidad& and other established blogs as well.The fishing net was invented for a reason!

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