Bharat Jagdeo Revels In The Power To Hurt People He Considers Vulnerable

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By Keith Williams

I believe that one of our more enduring failures is in not defining Bharat Jagdeo what he is, and thus being unable to accurately categorize and come to grips with what we witness from him. Our surprised exclamations every time he reveals himself are direct products of our unwillingness or reluctance to believe him when he shows us what he is.

Visualize a small rapscallion like kid whose personality is inundated with a perverse obsession to hurt his peers, to take advantage of his size to brutalize those who are smaller than him, or against who he can use implements to hurt and wound. The kid lives for this, he revels in the power to hurt and victimize, and this represent the total embodiment of his personality development. And when the time came, the circumstances where accountability and sanction relieves him of that power, he resorts to tantrums, stamping his feet and hollering that “it is not fair”.

As an adult this kid is Bharat Jagdeo. His favorite pastime is engaging in the adult version of what that kid did. Reveling in the power to hurt people he considers vulnerable, and who he do not believe have any rights that are deserving of his regard and respect. Political Power at a national level is the toy and implement he utilizes to feed his perversions. And when time and circumstances where accountability and sanction relieved him of that power, took away his “joy”, his reaction is the adult version of what was displayed by that metaphorical kid. Tantrums, whining, stamping his feet and hollering, “it is not fair”

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